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Twilight Sparkles

White Widow Autoflower
05.24.2022 was planted
Updated 2 years ago
room type
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
grow tent
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
6 Week (06.28.2022) Flowering

Photos and Videos

June 28, 2022 29.5" tall
June 29, 2022 31" tall
June 30, 2022 33" tall
July 2, 2022 35" tall does anyone have any suggestions for where to trim her? As minimally as possible.
July 3, 2022 36.5" tall. She's too big to fit in the picture.

Impressions about plant

June 28, 2022
First week of flower. Bud sites everywhere. Bottom fed 500ml tiger bloom mix. 1/4 dose.

Height 29.5"
Light distance 14"
Humidity 51%
Soil moisture 38%
Quarter rotation.
Tiger Bloom 2.5ml/gal
Super healthy, beautiful color. Buds are growing fast, no deficiencies that I can see. She's also filling out beautifully still plenty of open space for light penetration and air circulation. I just realized that I most likely won't have to worry about top heavy buds. The tent is small enough to keep any from drooping. In theory that should work.

June 29, 2022
She's doing fantastic. I'm kind of concerned with the branches against the walls. I'm assuming it's fine.
Height 31"
Light Distance 12"
Temp, 73.5°
Humidity 51%
Moisture 35%
One quarter turn
500 ml today bottom feeding.
Her foliage is filling out nicely. Still quite open for circulation and light penetration. Side branches are climbing slowly. I'm expecting the whole plant to take off more in the next few days. Or maybe she will continue a steady 1.5" of growth per day.

June 30, 2022
Growth everywhere. I'm never sure if or when I should be cleaning her up. I don't believe there is any need with how opened up she is. Maybe I'll look straight down and see if there are any blocked bud sites. Another quarter turn today. She is really wall to wall. Steady growth, and I mean steady. 2.5" in 24 hours. I'm still concerned about the light distance. 11.5" is too close for manufacturer recommended specs. However, I'm pretty sure she can handle 8" without much of an issue.
Temp 74.3°
Humidity 48%
Height 33"
Light Distance 10.5" (concerned)
Soil moisture 40%
Top/bottom feed 750 ml
Would I be correct in thinking with such a big autoflower this healthy and well cared for, I should be getting an equally proportioned yield? Should I be getting more than 5 ounces or is that low for such a big girl?

July 1, 2022
Happy birthday to me!
I have a beautiful healthy 34" plant! And I get the new episodes of stranger things! BOOM!
So I decided to pull her branches in. I took the tucked leaves that were pushing the branches out and used them to hold the branches up. Instead of tucking them under a node, I anchored them on top of the nodes and used them to lock the branches up. It worked super awesome. Branches are barely touching the walls and I raised the canopy closer to the grow light just by doing that. Noice!
Height 34"
Lamp distance 9"
Temp 71.5°
Humidity 46%
Moisture 40%
One quarter turn
250ml bottom feed.
She still has 3 blumats running, but I feel like they don't penetrate down to the bottom of the pot. I think she is drinking too fast now. So low amounts of bottom feed. I was having trouble keeping the temperature up today, so I added a heat pad. So far it seems to be working.

July 2, 2022
So she grew 2 more inches in 24 hours and definitely getting thirstyyyyy. Anchoring the branches up was a great success. No branches touching the walls anymore. I'm quite impressed with myself here. I didn't think I would figure it out. I also had a couple issues for her dark time last night. Somehow my smart system went crazy and started randomly shutting stuff off and on. The light schedule got erased. So luckily I woke up and saw the light was still on. All fixed for now, I think, but weird.
Temp 75°
Humidity 48%
Height 35"
Light Distance 8"
Moisture 35%
Bottom feed 750 ml
Snipped off 6 fan leaves. The 2 very bottom 3 finger leaves and a large fan leaf that was causing issues. 3 mid canopy. There are a few more I'd like to clear out, but I'm going to have to wait a few days.

July 3, 2022
Her side branches are joining the party! They are noticably growing up and it seems pretty rapid. I snipped one more large fan leaf in the center of the canopy. It wasn't serving any purpose except for blocking bud sites and shadowing the lower canopy. So now I have a pretty open canopy again. I expect to be snipping a bunch more over the next week or two.
Height 36.5"
Light Distance 6.5"
Moisture 36%
Temp 75.1°
Humidity 46%
Bottom/top feed 750ml
She's still growing really fast and I still have my concerns with light distance. She's already 1.5" closer than the 8" I was hoping for. I hope she doesn't get light burn. I started upping the dose of tiger bloom. I topped off 1 gallon of water with a half dose of tiger bloom. So the reservoir will have a gradual increase in nutrients over the next week or so.

July 4, 2022
Happy 4th!
She's 37.5" tall now. Snipped 4 massive fan leaves. I have 2 more I'm going to snip in a couple of days. So all the lower nodes are free of massive fan leaves.
Then there is barely any cluttery leaves nor shaded areas.
She's definitely drinking a lot. Added another 500ml bottom feed even with the 3 blumats. Did the quarter turn.

Side note: Spotify is doing an upsidedown playlist from stranger things. Mine was all heavy metal about fighting. Think Spotify wants me to kick Vecna's nasty ass? I do. 😈 Mwahahahahaha! Good to know my tunes wouldn't give him a chance.

Back to weed!
Height 37.5"
Light Distance 5.5"
Temp 74°
Humidity 52%
Moisture 32%
She is healthy as can be. Beautiful coloring. Big buds already. Strong branches and stalk. I'm expecting some massive colas. She's still looking great with the lifting thing I did. The leaves I have been cutting are the anchors that are no longer useful and just taking up space. She's definitely reaching heavily on the side branches. I wonder if snipping those fan leaves off the stalk will slow down the main cola. It stands to reason that it would work. I read you can slow down upward growth by snipping fan leaves from that specific branch. So the branches have their own fan leaves and the stalk will have 2 at the top for now. Maybe it will work a little?

Grow Conditions

29.5 inch
72.9 °F
Day air temperature
68 °F
Night air temperature
1 °l
Watering volume
20 hrs
Light schedule
45 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
14 inch
Lamp to plant distance


Tiger Bloom

Tiger Bloom

Fox Farm
2.5 ml/gal