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Twilight Sparkles

White Widow Autoflower
05.24.2022 was planted
Updated 2 years ago
room type
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
grow tent
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
4 Week (06.14.2022) Vegetation

Photos and Videos

June 14, 2022 7" tall
June 15, 2022 8" tall
June 16, 2022 9" tall
June 18, 2022 12" tall!
June 19, 2022 13.5"

Impressions about plant

June 14, 2022
Dose of Leaf Shine and a Blumat added. Internodal space seems to be tightening up... Just as I planned. The lower two nodes are nicely spaced for better air flow and ease of access. I'm guessing without any training, she won't grow any wider than the pot. Maybe a large fan leaf or two will extend out, but those would be removed anyway at some point.

June 15, 2022
Substantial outward growth last night. Branches are stretching super fast. She's 8" tall now. It seems about an inch a day so far. The rapid growth is one of my favorite stages of growth.
Unfortunately, I had to pull the blumat again. Moisture is still over 50%. I'd like to get it down to at least 35%. So another couple of days I guess? The pot has been over 50% for the entire grow. She's not showing signs of overwatering, and the only water she has gotten so far is the blumat for a few hours. Other than that, she has a lot of water in the pot to drink.
Update: I decided my other plant wasn't growing at all, so I let her go and saved the soil. So now this lady is solo once again. No more trying 2 plants in a 2x2 grow tent. Not in 5 gallon containers. So I'll just let her grow naturally as planned.

June 16, 2022
Another inch grown last night. Looking great and 9 inches tall! Soil moisture is finally getting to a manageable level. Yesterday was HOT. My room was 78 degrees with my ac running on full blast. It leveled out this morning and I'm now in the market for a bigger air conditioner. Another hot day, so hopefully it doesn't get too hot.

June 17, 2022
Super rapid growth. She hit 11" this morning from the 9" she was yesterday. The grow light distance is 19" without moving anything around. She also started showing her sex as an obvious female. She's looking great. Branches are forming quite nicely. Internodal distance is decreasing nicely as well.
So my blumats weren't actually active. My mistake, so I just did that and will have to see how she looks in a couple of hours. I set all 3 up again. With her being thirstier than a seedling, there shouldn't be an issue. If not, I can always shut one off. However, this is the 3rd week of veg and pre-flower is right around the corner. By then, she will be drinking enough to make great use of the triangle. Looking fantastic. Lighting is fantastic. Air flow is fantastic. Everything is just fantastic. Well, so far, that is. I can't wait to see how much she grows in the next week or 2.

June 18, 2022
She hit 12" this morning. She's looking great! And starting to fill out nicely. So far, great air flow and light penetration. It seems the blumats are working perfectly. Moisture hasn't changed since adding them back in. So 3 blumats work in a 5 gallon fabrics pot but not right away. From this experience, I found that the pot took about a week or so for the seedling to get setup and early veg for her to establish more. So 2 weeks into veg and I added working blumats. Moisture content is at a perfect 35%. The whole pot is between 35% and 45% moisture with the latter being the lower part of the pot. Grow light is now 18" from the canopy. The temp finally dropped down to a controllable range.

June 19, 2022
Today she is starting out around 13.5" tall. Growth speed seems to be increasing. 2" yesterday and 1.5" today. The rest of the time has been about an inch a day. Based on the first 2 grows, I should be expecting her to start flowering toward the end of next week. But then there is the flowering stretch. Uh oh. I only have. A 4 ft tall grow tent. A good problem to have. Trellis net for such an emergency.

June 20, 2022
Week 3 last day.
Height 15"
Grow Light Distance 15"
Relative Humidity 49%
Ambient Temp 74°
Undergrowth Temp 72°
Soil moisture 35%
Active Blumats 3

Grow Conditions

7 inch
75 °F
Day air temperature
70 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
0.5 °l
Watering volume
20 hrs
Light schedule
55 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
23 inch
Lamp to plant distance