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Twilight Sparkles

White Widow Autoflower
05.24.2022 was planted
Updated 2 years ago
room type
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
grow tent
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
1 Week (05.24.2022) Germination

Photos and Videos

May 25, 2022 Sunken seeds with the tap roots showing.
May 27, 2022 One sprout. Waiting for her sister. She was germinated about 12 hours later.
May 28, 2022 Uh oh. Shell is stuck
May 29, 2022 Does not look very happy
May 29, 2022 She's actually growing in there.

Impressions about plant

May 24, 2022 Day 1
A new beginning! Meet Twilight Sparkle! She's a 3 ft tall elegant beauty. She sparkles and shines. In about 3 months you will see. Hahaha
My germination setup is all in the tent. I'm using a small glass jar. I do have the lid closed and have the jar raised up a bit from the self watering seedling system. Under that is a heat pad set to 1. Seems to be keeping the water temp around 70 degrees. Completely dark. I'll be checking on her tomorrow morning. 24 total hours. I'm not going to use the paper towel method. I haven't had luck with it. So I'm waiting for a sunken seed and straight to a peat pellet. I'm just going to turn my grow light on at 33" from the top of the pellet, and let her sprout for a few days, then I'm going to plant her in her 5 gallon pot. Planting is going to add 7" so veg will start at 24" roughly. I'm not really sure how I want to train her. I might just let her grow and see how it works out. I might keep doing the LST tie down method. Maybe I'll try FIMming. Apparently it's ok to do it now? I guess it makes sense as autoflowers are still pretty hardy. As long as I do it right, I should be good. That would work best with LST to keep her short enough to fit in the grow space. I'm aiming for a 24" plant. If I have to let her go for that height, so be it. I'd rather have an even canopy though. I guess she will tell me how she wants to grow.
I'll be doing the tie down method again, but with 2 plants. I don't know if this is a good idea or not, I'm doing it.

May 25, 2022 Day 2
I got rid of the other journal for this grow. Just the 1 journal now for 2 plants. They popped this morning. So I'll be planting them in their peat pellets this afternoon. I'll let them sit for a few days under the dome and plant them in their pots when they have some roots established and they can handle the 8 inch decrease in light distance.

May 26, 2022 Day 3
Both seeds are germinated and in their peat pellets. I took the dome off and brought in the humidifier instead. The temp and humidity are pretty good. According to a VPD chart from Pulse, the environment seems to be in a decent range. 72° and 71% but the temp could be a bit higher. Maybe I can get it up to 77° in there.

May 27, 2022 Day 4
We have our first seedling! Just broke surface around 6 hours ago. (Watched the live feed.) The second one may take a bit longer. I waited about 12 hours between germ.

May 28, 2022 Day 5
So I noticed today the shell was stuck to the seedling. I carefully removed it, but I fear that she didn't pull through. Hopefully we will see some recovery or something. My other baby is still playing under the surface of her peat pellet. She should be good. Maybe a couple of days for her. I might have to germinate another seed if my sprout is dead. Or maybe this is a sign to not grow 2 plants in a 2x2 grow space. We shall see. Maybe I won't germinate another seed and just go with the one plant as originally planned.

May 29, 2022 Day 6
My confidence is slipping with my seedling. She's not looking great at all. Any my other seed has a taproot in the pellet, but has not broken surface yet. That's also a bit of a concern. It's been 5 days. But maybe I'll see something in the next day or two.
I decided to plant both peat pellets. The environment is easier to control on the tent than a dome. I'm still pretty sure my sprout won't be making it. However, my other seed is finally beginning to poke up. I see a tiny bit of green peeking out of the peat. I am however, now fairly confident that I can grow 2 plants in my tent. Autoflowers, after all, are more compact. Hopefully my current sprout makes it. She's already nestled in her final pot. I can still germ another seed if she does end up dying.

May 30, 2022
Well, I was pretty busy yesterday. Both peat pellets are now planted in the 5 gallon fabric pots, 3 blumats per pot in a 2 gallon reservoir for now. I'm almost certain I'm going to have to use a 5 gallon reservoir instead. That is just an inconvenience. I have space for a 2 gallon tall bucket. I might have to get creative to keep my space. Maybe a 5 gallon bucket in my 2x2 tent?... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 With 2 plants in 5 gallon pots? NOPE. Anyway, they seem to be working perfectly. They are already pulling water in to acclimate the soil environment. My goal with 3 carrots per plant is that these ones only take what they need. From my last grow I'd say that is accurate as long as they don't get clogged. So with 3 evenly spaced, each pot should hold a perfectly even moisture throughout the whole container. Also, 3 is more efficient, in my opinion, for even root growth. Anyway, they are definitely working. I do have an air stone in the reservoir to keep the water oxygenated.
Still only 1 seedling. The other one is close. I can see the shell. However, my current seedling is doing fairly well. A little slow, in my opinion, to get started. But still getting there. I was ha I g trouble getting a higher humidity without spiking my temp, So I settled at 65% humidity and 75.5° temp.

Grow Conditions

0 inch
76 °F
Day air temperature
72 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
2 gal
Watering volume
20 hrs
Light schedule
66 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
33 inch
Lamp to plant distance