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Twilight Sparkles

White Widow Autoflower
05.24.2022 was planted
Updated 2 years ago
room type
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
grow tent
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
2 Week (05.31.2022) Vegetation

Photos and Videos

May 31, 2022 Just her again.
June 3, 2022 Right on schedule. Wow
June 4, 2022 She grows so nice. Second set of leaves are coming in.
June 5, 2022 Nice looking girl.
June 6, 2022 Happy plant. 2.5" tall

Impressions about plant

May 31, 2022
Well, another seed didn't make it. This one managed to grow a small taproot and then just stopped. I cleared off the shell with ease. I could also see the taproot and the first leaf things are a pale yellow. I'm going to leave it in there until my new seed germinates.
On the other hand I am switching this journal back to just Twilight Sparkle. I'll create a new journal when I see a newly germinated seed.
She is doing much better now. First 1 finger leaves are here. Temp is 75 degrees and 62% humidity.

June 1, 2022
No visible growth last night, but that doesn't mean she won't grow today. I had to go to the 5 gallon reservoir. No big deal, but the whole arrangement in my tent needed shifting. It actually might work out better. With her in the back, I will still have access to my younger one in the front. 3 blumats per pot seems to be perfect. No runoff meters read 50% moisture about 3 inches in and soaked at 80% on the bottom. That will certainly change in about a week or so when she really starts slurping it all up. As long as the blumats do what they are supposed to do, this should be a perfect moisture level throughout the grow.
Update: she did grow a bit. Her finger leaves are starting to get wider. So that's good.

June 2, 2022
Not much going on today. She's growing and that's about it. I'm guessing she will take off as soon as she hits the soil.
It's kinda surprising how consistent these genetics are. So far every plant I've grown has worked on the exact same schedule. To the day. my last grow, she doubled her leaf size from the first day of veg to two days later. Just like this one and the first one. That must be some solid genetics. The difference is my light height and watering technique. The light is 32 inches away from the soil. About 30 inches from the top of the seedling. Maybe 30.5 inches. The environment is more accurate as well. 3 blumats instead of one triangulated for optimal moisture distribution. I'm hoping the higher light will give a bit of a stretch so I can work a little better with LST, considering the tight space I'm working in with 2 plants. It should be easier to work with 2 in there.

June 3, 2022
She is super on point with the other 2 I grew. Not much else for today.

June 4, 2022
Growing steady and strong. She looks fantastic. Great color, good shape and a nice stretch. It looks kinda like her node distance will be a bit more spaced out than my first 2 grows. I just need a bit more to keep air flow moving. I believe I am going to leave her alone and not train her. She can be my control so I know what I should be expecting. Her younger sister may get some training though. I also have a trellis net, so if need be, I can throw that up and run a SCROG setup. I doubt I would need it though. She should only reach about 2 ft tall. If I train my other one to be 18 inches, I should have easy access to both plants even in a 2x2. And there is a week between the two.

June 5, 2022
Had some pretty good growth last night. She's starting to grow faster. 2.5 inches tall now. 27.5 inches from the grow light. Temp and humidity is in range. 76° f and 61% humidity.

June 6, 2022
Flourishing is the best way to describe her. She has a wonderful stretch going and some beautiful color. Leaves are growing nice and steady. She's still around 2.5" but broadening and growing outward for the moment. She is in a nice prayer position. And I assume it's a good thing. Keeps her reach at a higher level for now.
She is compact so I'm thinking like 18" to 22" tall. Maybe taller. The theory is to leave the light at 30" from the medium and leave it alone. As she grows, the distance should stay even with these numbers. 30" to 26" for the seedling stage, 26" to 18" for veg and 18" to 8" for flower. I shouldn't have to move the light at all as long as she grows to around 22". Any less and I may have to move the light down. I don't expect her to grow over 2 ft.

Grow Conditions

1 inch
75 °F
Day air temperature
70 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
7 °l
Watering volume
20 hrs
Light schedule
62 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
30 inch
Lamp to plant distance