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Twilight Sparkles

White Widow Autoflower
05.24.2022 was planted
Updated 2 years ago
room type
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
grow tent
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
11 Week (08.02.2022) Flowering

Photos and Videos

August 2, 2022 Still too many clear trichomes
August 3, 2022 Thought there wasn't enough cloudy, but maybe not.
August 4, 2022 Day 1 Chopped and Drying
August 6, 2022 Day 3 Steady as can be. Top cola almost done
August 7, 2022 This is just the top cola. 11.6 grams. Plus a sample I took yesterday. So 12 grams total.

Impressions about plant

August 2, 2022
Week 11 and I was dead wrong. She is not ready. Way too many clear trichomes. I'll continue checking daily. The lowest buds have a few more orange pistils. So that's good.
Watered 250 ml just to keep her going.
The drying is doing well. Steady 60% humidity and 64° temp.
Temp 75°
Humidity 45%
Soil Moisture 38%
Honestly, I'm having trouble telling apart the clear and milky trichomes. So I might just use the amber ones to estimate the cloudy. More amber means more cloudy until around 10% amber. There should be enough cloudy by then.

August 3, 2022
Not much going on today. Basically the same as yesterday. Added 250 ml water to the blumat carrots and top soil, took some pics, checked trichomes, checked the drying cola. Everything looks good.
Still too many clear trichomes and barely any amber trichomes.
Drying cola is on day 7. Not quite ready yet. Maybe a few more days.
Drying Temp 65°
Drying Humidity 60%
The top buds are getting super dense. The pistils are orange and curled in on the lower level and has more orange pistils on the bottom level with the popcorn buds. A lot of leaves are yellow and some are dying and come off with ease. She's at the end of her life.
Temp 75°
Humidity 45%
Soil Moisture 31%
Update: upon further inspection of this evenings trichome check, I have discovered more amber than I thought. She is now in the dark until I decide to harvest tomorrow. Harvest Day tomorrow. 71 days total grow time.

August 4, 2022 Harvest and Drying Day 1
Today is the day. 71 days of growing this lady and now it's time to take her down and taste the fruits of my labor.
Twilight Sparkle has been harvested. I didn't bother with wet weight, just hung her up. Harvesting stunk up the whole house in the 6 minutes it took me to cut her down. Oh well. Lesson learned... Again.
She's now drying in the tent for the next 7 to 10 days. Maybe a bit longer from her size compared to the tent. I moved the main cola to the front so I can pop it out in the next couple of days without messing with the rest of the branches.
Drying Conditions Day 1:
Temp 65°
Humidity 60%
4" circular fan
Exhaust fan high

August 5, 2022 Drying Day 2
Everything looks good so far. The main cola still has a bit more drying to do. I'm guessing another day or two for that. The rest of the plant I think will be between 10 and 14 days.
Drying Conditions Day 2:
Temp 66.8°
Humidity 58%

August 6, 2022 Drying Day 3
Drying. Dark.
Main cola still not ready. Another day or 2.
Temp 70°
Humidity 62%
I may need a new carbon filter. I'm getting a nice smell of coffee, but it's definitely the profile of the buds. It smells amazing, but I don't want smell out of the tent.

August 7, 2022 Drying Day 4
Today I pulled the main cola out of the drying tent. She weighed 11.6 grams fully trimmed. Delicious, sweet smelling, great head high and a very clean smoke! Super happy so far. The rest of the plant will be even better I think! Can't wait!
As for the drying tent, looks good.
Temp 68°
Humidity 58%
I set up my germination area last night and am getting ready for my next grow. Very happy with this grow though. And of course, I can always do better. Lol.
Update: after spending the day in the jar, she's already showing signs of major improvement. The high just hits super hard. After a while, the high smoothes out and becomes a very comfortable buzz. Perfect.

August 8, 2022 Drying Day 5
It's been humid the last couple of days so my humidity in the tent is higher than I like today. Temp is a bit high too.
Temp 71° goal 68°
Humidity 63% goal 58%
I'm sure it's fine, but not perfect. However, for some reason, the A/C doesn't kick on at night, so it should adjust in an hour or two.
Update: as I thought, the environment adjusted itself.
Temp 68°
Humidity 58%

Grow Conditions

27 inch
75 °F
Day air temperature
68 °F
Night air temperature
0.5 °l
Watering volume
20 hrs
Light schedule
45 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
8 inch
Lamp to plant distance