Impressions about plant
12/13 (Day 18) - Leaf discoloration on two leaves, single plant. Same plant that had the possible nute burn in week 1(?). Posted on the forum. Only response from Covergrower was "don't worry". Probably damage from contact w soil.
12/14 (Day 19) - Dropped Jacks concentration from full strength to half strength, just in case Still watering with 3 gallons in and 1 gallon out.
12/15 (Day 20) - No new spotting. Increased the Jacks from half strength to 2/3. Plants are growing like mad-women.
12/16 (Day 21) - 2/3 strength Jacks. Still 1 gal run-off.
12/17 (Day 22) - Back to full strength Jacks. Same run-off. Seems like the larger the plant the more run-off. Maybe it's where I'm watering? Nobody seems to mind though.
12/18 (Day 23) - Full strength Jacks w Tribus. Held back 6 oz each for Recharge w 1/4 tsp. Still 1 gal run-off. Worked on some LST and trimmed a few fan leaves. Plants are too short! I wonder if I hit them with too much light too early and made them squatty. 2 of the plants seem stunted. One was the multi-burn victim from the first sprouts, the 2nd is the last to sprout from the make-ups and is 4 days behind. Given the growth rate, may not be squatty so much as young.
12/19 (Day 24) - Tightened up the LST wires a bit and did some leaf tucking on the stragglers.
12/20 (Day 25) - Jesus, but they're growing quickly. Evening to morning showed substantial growth. At this rate, within a week or so they'll be pulling me out of bed. The two runts are still runty and stunted. They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes, or the other 4 push them out of the tent. More LST tonight as branches are noticeably longer and danglier. Run-off was down today. 5 quarts was the norm for the last week, dropped to less than 4.