Impressions about plant
5 original seeds started soak 11/22 all germinated. 1 albino, still alive. 2 backups started soak 11/26 have both popped above ground. Plants all look good.
Light dimmer set to 35%. No exhaust on tent. Floor mount oscillating fan on low. Put a bucket of water with a fish bubbler in the tent to try and boost humidity.
11/30 (Day 5) - #6 just broke ground. Several cups look dry and feel light. Monitoring. Avoid overwatering, dummy! Full watering with run-off to waste for every cup this afternoon. DI w/ cal-mag. Worried about VPD. Bubbler took it up to 62% RH, but need something closer to 70%-80%. Wet a hand towel and clipped over a hanging fan on low. 82% inside an hour (5:00 PM). Curious to see whether it holds high until tomorrow morning.
The urge to fiddle is strong. 6 hours later the RH is holding well. NOTE TO SELF: Wet towels drip, dummy. Albino plant went in the trash bin. Hasn't grown a bit since germination, while its more genetically superior kin have blossomed (in a manner of speaking). Now down to 6, although all these look great. By the by, humidity holding well. Over 80% after 6 hours and the towel still pretty wet (although not dripping any longer).
12/01 (Day 6) - Towel was dry. RH down to 70%. Wet down and replaced @ 6:00 am. RH back in the 80’s within the hour.
12/02 (Day 7) - Ditched the towel. Hellraiser said high RH for seedlings isn't required. Left both hanging fans on low and cranked the floor mount to level 3. Plants all have a slight wiggle in the breeze now.
12/03 (Day 8) - Trouble. Some kind of burn on one of the first 4. Forum poster thought the plant might have found a hot spot in the medium. Flushed the cup well with DI with cal-mag. PH of runoff was 5.8. TDS was 1100. Watt meter came today. Dimmer set to 150 watts.
12/04 (Day 9) - Installed high CFM supports in tent. 1/2" sched 40 pvc, rubber lined clamps and zip ties. Worked like a charm. The clamps are just the right width to fit inside the pipe, so no fasters needed. Conditions in the tent staying around 75F/65% RH.
All the potting stuff arrived today. Mixed 1 full Canna brick with (1) 8 dry-quart perlite. Took about 2.5 gallons of water to rehydrate each brick. Water was full strength Jacks in RO, adjusted PH up, then added Tribus (1/4 tsp / gal) and Recharge (1/2 tsp/gal). Each brick/perlite batch filled (2) 5-gallon pots.
Once the pots were in the tent the RH went above 85%. Time to start the exhaust fan back up at lowest setting. Temp and humidity both reduced. 69 F / 62% RH in the morning.
Note to self: RO Buddie generates 1 gallon every 17 minutes
12/05 (Day 10) - Watering day. Cups were running about 200 g (vs 170 dry). Watered all, including the burnt one. DI and cal-mag, ph'd to 5.9. Roughly 300 ml of run-off collected. Kicked the light up to 270 W and lowered to 24” above canopy. Samsung tab says DLI is 24.