Impressions about plant
Granddaddy Purple This time !
Germination Chamber:
I use the grow tent for both growing and drying of a harvest. Since it takes about 2+ weeks to hang dry the Colas. It’s just about the right amount to germinate and bring a new crop to the stage where they are ready to go to the grow room and begin their voyage.
I have always had good luck starting new girls in a Petco 20 gallon “tall” aquarium with a standard seed heat mat under the bottom of the tank. The individual seed in a “Rapid Seed Starter Plug” mounted in a standard 4” Rockwool Ph balanced block. The seed starter mat works nice to keep the Rockwool blocks at about 25C. I use a standard glass thermometer to watch the block temp.. If its summer, the heater mat can be turned off after germination.. In the colder months ..the mat stays on a bit longer.
I have had great success using (two) simple “AMZBD” extendable, so called “Full Spectrum” LED aquarium lights (amazon). I use two FS803’s with the birthing chamber. The lamps are programable both for lamp on/off times.. (Using the custom settings.. last page of user manual) but also programmable for lamp intensity.. I measure 0 - 3200 fc using a HydroFarm light meter (amazon) . I start the seedlings off at early at 300 fc and build from there to about 1500fc (measured at the leaf heights) By then the plants are 6-8” high and ready to go to the well-insulated & prepped grow tent. Be sure you understand the programing of the AMZBD because full intensity of the lamps will badly sunburn or even fry your young girls.
Humidity & Temp Control
So, when the AMZBD lamps are at higher power, the interior of the aquarium can become a bit warm. I did fabricate a dual ventilation fan apparatus. Dual little 80mm 12Vdc fans controlled with a Digiten temp/RH (amazon).. Does a perfect job of keeping the growth chamber at a typical 27C/70%RH. (Or where ever I want the temps/RH’s)