Impressions about plant
This is what "Mainlining" is all about.. It may lengthen the grow cycle a bit.. But well worth it..
More in a bit.. Busy trimming.. BRB.. :>
OK. Two girls harvested… Each having 8 Colas per plant.
ONE COLA on each plant is allowed to go to full maturity and produce fully developed seeds.
That leaves 14 Cola’s.
Total trimmed pre-dry (all sugar leaves/ stems removed) is 1916 grams - 68 Oz - 4.25 Lbs.
Or another way to look at it is 137 grams per COLA. (4.9 oz). trimmed – pre-dry
Third plant in this grow can go another week before harvest, but clearly has typical production of 2.12 Lbs./plant – trimmed-pre-dry.
Now for 3 weeks dry in 70F @ 45-50 RH, very light air circulation. See pic.
Then into 2 gallon glass 65-70F . Dark Storage for 3-6 month Cure .. Burping from time to time.. Monitoring HR