Impressions about plant
Not much more to say...
100% success on all grow goals.. First Hydro Grow, Added 20 Lbs of CO2 used with this grow.. Worth the effort and cost ?? Not sure... But now its only $25 for 20 lbs of CO2 for future grows... So will use it again..
Generated and used, Ag spray to produce pollen. Successfully pollinated just one Cola to produce seeds...
This grow cycle, produced Huge Buds.. Big smiles...
Now it's summer and time to enjoy. This grow soon goes into harvest, followed by a slow dry and 6 month + cure. A slow cure, so important for a smooth smoke & vape.. Next grow.. Not till Fall.. Last grow from 1/22 to be enjoyed over the summer. Remember, its all about the prep.. and planning...
One or two more entries and this grow cycle is done..