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DWC 2 Plants

Northern Lights Autoflower
12.17.2021 was planted
Updated 3 years ago
room type
GT 48x48x80
GT 48x48x80
grow tent
LED / 1200W
LED / 1200W
LED / 1200W
LED / 1200W
2 Week (12.24.2021) Vegetation

Photos and Videos

Monitoring Camera A - Room Monitor
Monitoring Camera B - Leveling Monitoring
Plant A Width (1.5 cm)
Plant A Height (2 cm)
Plant A (left) and Plant B (right)

Impressions about plant

Week 1 Usage Statistics

Light Schedule:
24 hours ON / 0 hours OFF

Chemicals Used:
12/19 - 300g citric acid, 300g baking soda, 10g PH down
12/23 - 200g citric acid, 220g baking soda
12/26 - 10g PH down, 20g PH up, 200g citric acid, 220g baking soda

Power Used:
12/23 - 12/26 - 80.73 kW/h

Water Used:
12/19 - 13.5L to fill DWC (6.0 PH), 1L to fill spray bottle (6.0 PH), 1.3 L for CO2 generator
12/23 - 300ml to fill CO2 generator
12/26 - 13.5L to fill DWC (6.0 PH), 300ml to fill CO2 generator

Weekly Measurements:
Plant A - 1.5 cm x 2 cm
Plant B - N/A

Weekly Summary:

I initially started with only Plant A in a homemade grow box made from aluminum foil and a cardboard box. I used a 2x2L bottle CO2 generator. On 12/23 I received the upgraded equipment I ordered including a grow tent with A/C routed through a carbon filter ventilation system (includes 6" exhaust fan). I also added a single tank C02 generator with a bubble counter and solenoid. I'm using smart plugs (Wyze, TP-Link) to automate scheduling and security cameras to observe without opening the tent. The equipment upgrades are why I used so much water and chemical.

I transferred Plant B from the water it was germinating in to the rockwool it will grow in on 12/23, and placed it in the new enclosure alongside Plant A.

I am not using any nutes yet.

I will be using LST on both plants, along with an elastic trellis. The stakes attached to the bucket (viewable in Monitoring Camera B's screenshot) are to accommodate LST.

The values on the meter in the picture above from Monitoring Camera B are CO and CO2 (on the right side starting from the top).

Neither seedling's have roots established enough to be sustained by the DWC system, so I am spraying them with a spray bottle at 9am and 9pm each day.

Grow Conditions

2 cm
21 °C
Day air temperature
26 °C
Night air temperature
No smell
650 PPM
CO₂ Level
21 °C
Solution temperature
24 °C
Substrate temperature
13.5 °l
Watering volume
24 hrs
Light schedule
40 %
Air humidity
20 °l
Pot size
10 cm
Lamp to plant distance

Grow Techniques