Impressions about plant
The Pure Indica is 18 days old (since sprouted) and at just about 7”. I am following the Success Nutrients Acclimated feed schedule + SuperThrive…and her last feeding was mix 3. I transplanted her into a 1-gallon pot 5 or 6 days ago. I used Sunshine Mix #4 with some extra pearlite added…spiked with some extra Mykos and Azos. I will likely transplant her again into a 3-gallon pot either tonight or tomorrow, so I trimmed the lower leaves to make that easier and to facilitate watering. I topped her for the first time a couple days ago and she is sprouting new growth.
She has been getting about 550 PPFD 20 hours on / 4 off, but I switched to my larger light today. She is not just over 600 PPFD and will be 18 on / 6 off. Temps increasing to the lower 80s and humidity decreasing to the lower 50s.
I am going for a 4-plant SCROG. Her tent mates are a Gorilla Ice Cream (not ILGM), a Big Bud (ILGM), and a Bubba Kush (ILGM.)