Impressions about plant
The Pure Indica was germinating or a seedling for just over 2 weeks, veg’d for 33 days, and it is now day 30 since the flip to 12/12 photoperiod. She peaked at about 34” tall. I am using the Success Nutrients acclimated feed schedule (accelerated by about a week because these ladies are all Indicas and will finish earlier than the feed schedule indicates). She has been cycling every 2 or 3 days. Keeping the light at 700+ – 1000+ PPFD. Temps in mid 80s – rh in the low 50s.
She has recovered well from the second complete defoliation 8 days ago. I SROG’D her in the day after the complete defoliation and she is building some nice-looking buds.
She is in a 4x4 tent with a Gorilla Ice Cream (not ILGM), a Bubba Kush, and a Big Bud. I set them up for a 4-strain SCROG.