Impressions about plant
Was a bit too rough with them the post op week following surgery. goldleaf looks most unhealthy or sun/dry damaged following mainlining but similar condition showing on train-wreck twin while trainwreck primo has only a little leaf burn and leaf edge curling. The first two have been spending most of the time inside following their amputation but got some sun as temperatures were milder and wind gentle. Primo has been outside the entire time but I brought it in when it started to show some heat/dry stress. Some on the web suggest that because it is the lower leaves, not new growth, that are dying it is likely a potassium deficiency. I probably let soil get too dry and inadvertently caused the condition. To diagnose problem further, I took soil sample from unhealthy trainwreck twin. pH is good (pic 4)- about 6.5 - and K is high (pic 5 bottom). Conclusion: don’t let them dry out too much. Moderate sun exposure by shading during strongest part of day until plants are hardened and recovered.