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1st Time AK-47 Auto

AK-47 Autoflower
02.24.2022 was planted
Updated 2 years ago
room type
GT 120x60x80
GT 120x60x80
grow tent
LED / 640W
LED / 640W
Sunlight Simulator 640W
LED / 640W
LED / 640W
Sunlight Simulator 640W
3 Week (03.10.2022) Germination
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Photos and Videos

Let's meet the Ladies! This is Asia. She had the longest tap root. She was 4th to pop her head up to say, "Hello there!" She looks to have an injury.
This is Betty. She was the second to pop her head up to have a look around.
This is Connie. She was the third to pop up and enjoy the rays of our pseudo-sun.
This is Danneca. Although she had the tiniest tail of the original 4 that were planted together. She was the first to pop her head up and fill my heart with a touch of pride.
This is Ella. She was a day behind her sisters in showing her tail and being planted into her permanent home.

Impressions about plant

At the moment, 5 out of the 5 ladies have poked their heads up to say, "Hello there" and seem to be thriving...I cut some plastic soda bottles in half and was using the bottom half as a Humidity Dome for the Ladies, but I am going to remove the Domes tonight...Humidity in the environment has been low (28%). Had a temperature issue at night with lights off, but fans still running. Temps dropped to 61 degrees. Changed lights from 18/6 to 24 hours on and now running a steady 77 degrees. Once we are a little older we can go back to the 18/6 light schedule. Thinking of dropping the lights to 20 inches instead of 30 inches above the Ladies.

Grow Conditions

0.25 inch
77 °F
Day air temperature
77 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
24 hrs
Light schedule
28 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
30 inch
Lamp to plant distance