Impressions about plant
Stacking Normally:White Widow Week 8: Water 2X Deer Park naturally PH @ 6.8 and Humboldt's Secrets Plant Enzymes (1-ml). #2 1.25 gal Deer Park, Humboldt's Secrets Part A & B 1/2 ml, Golden Tree 1 ml, Enzymes 1-ml, Flower Stacker 2-ml & Recharge 1 tbsp. No issues with nutrient burn. Light 24" @ 80%, Humidity range: 40 - 50%. Watering cycle seems to be every 3 days. NOTE: Signs of phosphorus deficiencies (browning of the edges of older leaves) have improved after feeding 2 x this week. I think I should of used 5 ML of Flower Stacker instead of 2-ML. Will start Sweet and Sticky next watering