Impressions about plant
Week 2: 3 of 4 plants are keepers. The 4th as you see it's still in the solo cup. It was the runt. Not sure if I will keep it because of the room available in my tent. Added a small amount of Hydrated Line to my soil to bring the PH up to 6.0. Transplanted seedlings (peat pellets) from propagator and into final medium (3 gal fabric pot). Added great white to soil prior to planting. H20 w/ distilled, Seedlings all look healthy. Lights 24" @ 50%, 18 / 6. Temp Range: 68 - 76 F, Added humidifier to grow tent Humidity Range: 68 - 75 %, Air circulation: Exhaust fan Low speed, Circulation fan low speed. Will start watering with 6.3 - 6.5 PH h20 on week 3