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Dope with Chocolope

Chocolope Feminized
10.10.2023 was planted
Updated 1 year ago
room type
GT 60x32x80
GT 60x32x80
grow tent
4 Week (10.31.2023) Vegetation

Photos and Videos

Growth is starting to pick up
Start of week 2 (Oct 30th)
Domes were removed since the walls were being breached
End of week 2 (Nov 4th)

Impressions about plant

Week 2 pretty much was a continuation of what we have already been doing. Light water feeds, along with mosquito bits mixed in to fight fungus gnats. Sticky pads are also catching these little pests and hopefully gets rid of them for good!

Still have not added any nutrients yet while feeding the mosquito bits. Will likely pick that up starting in week 3 of the grow

All the plants are progressing pretty well and showing newer nodes of leaves beginning to form on them. Plant 3 however is showing some signs of defects in the stem, which appears to be slightly stunting its growth. Placed the humidity dome back on it to ensure gnats were not hitting it and causing more harm. Will closely monitor the plant's progress

Was also a bit concerned with the amount of soil in the pots. Mixed more up and added soil evenly to all pots, as well as weight balanced them

Additional notes outlined below:

>> Soil in pots appears to be a bit low. Want soil about 1-2 inches from top, and currently from the base of soil to the top shows over 3 inches
>> Water used tested at 7.0 pH. Treated with pH Up until desired pH was met at 7.7 pH
>> Took around 18 cups of soil, and then saturated it with about 3.6 cups of pH adjusted water
>> Dumped soil evenly back into the pots. Filled with soil/water until each pot was showing close to 15.5 lbs
>> Temps showing between 77-79 F but the RH is low around 54-55%
>> Took 4 half gallon containers and placed them around the grow room. Then added 1/3 gallon of water w/H₂O₂
>> After 2-3 hours, RH within grow room is now showing around 61-62%. Plants appear to be responding better with the RH over 60%
>> Plant 3 is showing an unusual weak stem but is definitely growing better. Will work to straighten out the stem to ensure it grows properly

Grow Conditions

4 inch
78 °F
Day air temperature
69 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
0.1875 gal
Watering volume
18 hrs
Light schedule
75 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
13 inch
Lamp to plant distance