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First grow 3 Strains

Gold Leaf Feminized
05.17.2022 was planted
Updated 1 year ago
room type
Spider Farmer 4.5x2x6.5
Spider Farmer 4.5x2x6.5
grow tent
LED / 400W
LED / 400W
LED / 400W
LED / 400W
4 Week (06.07.2022) Vegetation

Photos and Videos

Impressions about plant

June 8 notes: Checked the plants this morning after the large water I gave them last night. They look exactly the same... They don't look like they have light pollution (no yellowing), the leaves aren't curling up or down, just basically straight out to the sides, and I double-checked the Spider Farmer SF-4000 is still at 60% at about 16-18 inches. The room humidity has been very stable around 60-65%, as have the tent temperatures in the low 70s high 60s at night, and daytime reaching about 78-80, with the occasional 80-85 degree mark when the fan can't exhaust the heat quickly enough.

Cycle 1 seeds dunked on May 26, paper towel on the 27th for 2 days. Planted tap roots on May 29.
Cycle 2 seeds dunked on May 31, paper towel on June 1 for 1 day, planted tap roots on June 2.

June 10: the last couple of days have shown some really nice growth. The PPK c1 plant is the largest, so far, and has the deepest green leaves. Almost strange to look at.
The last two days, I've not only lowered the pH of the water from about 6.5, to about 6.1, but I also increased the amount of water that I've fed them quite drastically. They are up to nearly 2 liters (0.333-per plant) per day. And I've been able to directly correlate the humidity of the Two-tent system throughout the day, to approximately how dry the pots are. As I've been watering at night, the humidity is generally above 65% from 9pm until noon the next day. By 4 pm, humidity is dropping to the 50-55% range, and by the time I get to watering them again at 9pm, the humidity is lower than 50%. I don't know how far out the roots have grown at this point, but I've been feeling about 3-4 inches deep near the side of the fabric pot, and when I check at night, the media is very dry, and at the very top, almost dust dry. I'm trying not to worry about it and trying to remember that plants need to dry out a bit before rewatering.
Temperatures are pretty darn stable averaging 74-75 degrees all day. There are still spikes when the space heater turns on and it's clear when it turns off, and also when the exhaust fan turns on.
Overall, I've spent way more time thinking about it and reading, and learning from others, but, it's a lot of waiting and being zen patient with the situation.
Granted, I feel like all 6 of these girls have doubled in size this week, and the cycle 2 plants are where the cycle 1 plants were about 5 days ago. I'm getting much more calm about them now and will enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend.

Grow Conditions

3 inch
78 °F
Day air temperature
70 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
72 °F
Solution temperature
72 °F
Substrate temperature
19 hrs
Light schedule
65 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
16 inch
Lamp to plant distance