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My First Grow

Girl Scout Cookies Extreme Autoflower
08.13.2023 was planted
Updated 4 months ago
room type
GT 24x24x48
GT 24x24x48
grow tent
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
1 Week (08.13.2023) Germination
1 comment

Photos and Videos

Impressions about plant

Entry 1: The Beginnings of Green
Date: 08-13-2023

Observations and Impressions:

As I embark on this fascinating journey of growing cannabis indoors for the first time, I'm filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity. Today marks the beginning of what I hope will be a rewarding experience.

The setup in my grow tent feels almost surreal. The LED light casts a vibrant glow, creating a warm, inviting environment for growth. It's a stark contrast to the outdoor gardens I'm used to. The control I have over the environment inside this tent is remarkable—every element is adjustable to suit the needs of my plants.

The coco coir medium is a new experience for me. Its texture is surprisingly light and airy, which I've read is excellent for root development. I'm curious to see how it will support the growth of the cannabis compared to traditional soil.

As for the cannabis plants themselves, they are just starting to show their unique characteristics. Their initial growth has been fascinating to observe. Even at this early stage, the resilience and vigor of these plants are evident. The small green leaves, still tender and young, hold so much potential. It's incredible to think about the transformation they'll undergo in the coming weeks and months.

I'm diligently monitoring the humidity and temperature, ensuring they stay within the optimal range for cannabis growth. It's a delicate balance, but I'm committed to getting it right.

This first entry in my grow journal is just the beginning. I look forward to documenting every step of this journey, learning from each experience, and hopefully, sharing a successful harvest.

Goals for the Upcoming Days:

1. Regularly monitor and adjust the environmental conditions (humidity, temperature) to ensure optimal growth.
2. Keep a close eye on the moisture level of the coco coir to prevent over or under-watering.
3. Begin documenting the growth progress with photos and detailed notes for future reference.

This journey of cultivation is more than just growing a plant; it's about growing as a gardener and connecting with nature in a completely new way. I can't wait to see what this adventure holds.

Grow Conditions

0 inch
70 °F
Day air temperature
68 °F
Night air temperature
No smell