Impressions about plant
Into the 6th getting closer to the flowering stage. I've had a few fumbles starting out and a few more to encounter. These plants are just crazy how fast they grow.
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First picture
This one in the first week it grew to tall and just fell over. Actually 6 of them did. Very quickly I corrected the lighting and they are doing much better. White widow
Sec picture
All of my plants are in LST. And they pretty much reject most of the tie downs. It's crazy to see them I can tie them down in the morning and before lunch they grow out of it. This week I will be more aggressive and see if I can get them to do what I want. Bruce Banner
3rd picture
Now this one is bushy definitely be sea. Of green 💚 and she smells the best if I smoked she would be my choice. All. of the need magnesium.very tips was turning yellow brown. I read that if I get Epson salt and mix with the spray bottle that would help. What do you think? Comments are welcome 😁
This one is another Bruce Banner, it should be named wonder woman. She gets out of every tie I put on her this one along would probably fill my 4x5 tent alone but remember I have 3 plants in this 5 gol pot. Please tell. Me what you think definitely appreciate comments happy growing