Impressions about plant
Topped both plants 9Feb. Got a bit close on Trixie! Will give them a few days with just light, water and proper humidity Incidentally, we had a warm spell last few days; 62F in Feb! Lights off temp went to 82F/53rh. They seem to be growing well. Trudy just looks healthier. I had an issue transplanting Trixie plus I may have topped too close. If she's lagging behind that's probably my fault. I promise I'll do better!
Feb12 1334 81F 65rh Temp in tent rises with light off. today's high was 69F. Have to run AC to bring tent to76F 65rh. When lights come back on I cut the AC off and the temp rises to about 81F 65rh ( I didn't expect to be running the AC in February😬)