Impressions about plant
Week 5 Gorilla Glue: Seems to be growing to my expectations. Humidity Range: 40 - 50%. Light: 60% at 24 inches, 18 & 6, Temp Range 68 - 78 F, H2O: Deer Park PH 6.8. Color: Dark Green, Training LST, Nutrients: Humboldt's Secrets:
Part A & B 2-ML, Enzymes 1-ML, GT 2-ML, Recharge 1/2 TBSP. The plants are dark green with no nutrient burn. I think the cause is too much nitrogen will water with just enzymes and Golden Tree at next watering. Water for the second time with enzymes and GT still dark green. Plants look healthy at this point other then the dark green color. Next watering will be with H20 only