Impressions about plant
We use the vaporizer powered marijuana generators to create intense growing conditions for our crop and grow room. We derive this grow specifically to our Vaporization asset which will use electro-magnetic vaporization pulsar powered using technology with a hydro-electrical generator. The Hydro generator uses powerful vaporization pulse using high power frequencies of induction heating grossly embellished with UV laser spectropathy using a technique called sonic-electrical charges that radiate the laser optics light form inside a greenhouse room to produce the Artificial Intelligent system's lighting interface. With high frequency coupling power, the electrodes in the base station of the vaporization propellant have a high frequency for radiated heat, causing harmful radiation if in contact with human skin. Since the entire device runs purely from an Artificial Intelligent Machine Learning system, human interaction is completely remote. The power can generate solar plasma rays stronger than Saturn produces at its optimal frequencies. However, we are only using a minute amount of solar vaporized power with this experiment on growing an entire marijuana crop which has the replicated power of the sun during the important summer times where crops excel over using high pressure sodium bulbs or any method of fluorescent lighting.