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Debs 1st Indoor grow

GG4 Feminized
10.19.2021 was planted
Updated 3 years ago
room type
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
1 Week (10.19.2021) Preparation

Photos and Videos

21/10/21 1 each of Gorilla Glue, Pineapple Kush and Bubblegum starting to poke their tops out.
34 hours since placing in soil. Pineapple Kush has powered through although still a bit of seed on leaf.
45 hrs since planting in seed mix & vermiculite. Dried seed pod on Pineapple Kush seedling dampened then removed with wet plastic tweezers. Came away easily.

Impressions about plant

18/10/21 Tap water left in bowl for 24 hrs removing any chlorine. Cap full of hydrogen peroxide solution 3% added.
19/10/21 Seeds added to clear plastic cup of water solution.
Nearly all seeds opened apart from 2 Gorilla Glue and 1 Bubblegum
20/10/21 Jiffy pots soaked in water and a cap of rooting gel, mixed.
Seed raising soil mixed with some vermiculite and lightly watered.
Soil mixture added to clear plastic cups and a drained broken soaked (as above) jiffy added where seed is being placed.
Provided draining etc by using a small sharp knife to penetrate base and a few in sides of each cup.
Seeds planted with each cup name tagged.
Placed in propagation unit on a heat pad which has a towel underneath and over it prior to placing propagation unit on it.
Grow light started. Unbranded light 2000 225LED
21/10/21 - within 24hrs the following have germinated-
1 x Gorilla Glue
1 x Pineapple Kush
1 x Bubblegum

DAY 1- 34 hours since placing in soil. Pineapple Kush has powered through although still a bit of seed on leaf. Will monitor and if necessary in 6 hours dampen and carefully remove with damp plastic tweezers.
After 6 hours dripped some water on seed pod stuck to Pineapple Kush seedling. Removed gently with damp plastic tweezers.
Monitoring humidity 4 hourly
Seedling mix damp but not wet
Feeling positive and hoping for 100% germination.
A lot of work still needs to be done to set grow room up but there’s plenty of time yet. Weekend set aside to complete it.
23/10/21 - DAY 2- 2 Gorilla Glue and 1 Bubblegum have yet to pop up. Disappointed but still time. Only been nearly 3 days. Just in case have today planted 1 GG and 3 Bubblegum straight in soil no hydrogen peroxide soak this time.
Soil mix is seed raising soil and vermiculite. No soaked and broken up jiffy this time as I feel they aren’t as good as the mix I used today. I always used jiffy’s for outdoor grows for a dozen years but feel there are better products available now.
Seems like you can just sit there and watch the others grow which is awesome.
Other seedlings are looking good
Another seed germinating station set up to seperate the germinated from naughty bubs that haven’t popped up yet.
No water for seedlings today they are fine.
Watering container is an empty Parmesan cheese shaker with duct tape on inside covering the 3 holes with a small hole made in one taped hole. Water drips out perfectly for seedlings etc. Water container is kept on heat pad with germinating seeds to ensure the water is slightly warm when watering seedlings. Plastic tweezers with it.
Strains planted are - Pineapple Kush AF, Mango AF, Gorilla Glue A, Blue Dream A, Strawdawg F,
Still waiting for seed order 2 which includes-
Purple Hulk AF, THC bomb F, Bluetooth AF, Blueberry, Northern Storm AF.

Lighting is currently 24 hrs on both seedlings and ungerminated at 260mm above top of seedlings. Monitoring this closely.

24/10/21 DAY 3- seedlings had a 4 hour nap with dome on and no light last night.
Sneaky buggers were covered with a black cloth but over the 4 hour nap period still lent towards the light on germinating seeds 2 foot away. Amazing. Obviously need a thicker cover for nap time. They corrected within an hour once their light was turned on.
Light change today.
Changed to VB1000. Why? I felt the cheaper unbranded light was not providing adequate required spectrum. I noticed this while growing sunflowers and think the cheaper lights, although they state 2000 are not sufficient for cannabis but ok for lettuce.
VB1000 had to be raised higher and light strength lowered to 80%. (Remember YouTube video on light required saved under Plants)
Will continue light 20 on 4 off only for seedlings today although do think 24/24 would be ok.
Maybe ask the guys in forum.
Ungerminated seeds remain in enclosed propagation unit on heat pad under light until germinated.
Noticed 1 Gorilla Glue seed has commenced germination. No touching it yet it remains in germination section. Although did dampen seed pod with spray bottle as it was on leaf that was trying to pop out. No current action on other seeds.
Both seedlings and seeds remain on heat pads 24/24.
Seedlings required a bit of water spray placed lightly on soil and around outside of cup and on leaves.
Mango 2 - looking a bit mental with one scarred leaf maybe due to seed pod that was firmly stuck to it and removed once dampened with wet plastic tweezers stated date it was removed previously in journal.
Pineapple Kush no 2 also required seed pod removal via dampening method and has also yellow discolouration on that leaf. NOTE to investigate if this issue is due to such quick germination or drying of pod.
Next time utilise the wet paper towel germination method same as I do with sunflowers.
Might start measuring daily growth.
Ok tallest On DAY 3 is Pineapple Kush no 1 with 3rd leaves showing thismorning. Smallest is of course mental Mango.
3rd leaves also showing on both Strawdawgies and 2 Bluedreams.
Temp 39.5 degrees humidity 19%. This humidity won’t be correct as seedlings as the humidity would be higher in the plastic cup with dampened soil. They aren’t under dome just light and seem to be motoring on. Heat pad working well.
Slowest of germinated seeds is deformed Mango and a Bluedream. Strawdawg is catching up and weren’t a choice purchase but free seeds as were Gorilla Glue.
Ok I am totally hooked and this is a fun blast.
Have only grown Afghan large scale outdoors before but this is heaps more fun.
At 57 I am getting to old to dig hundreds of homes anymore that’s done and dusted and disappeared with my ex. Should of replaced both outdoors and him with this fun lots earlier.
Awesome fun. Grow bubbies grow.

Grow Conditions

0 inch
0 °F
Day air temperature
0 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
24 hrs
Light schedule