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2024 First Grow Ever

Granddaddy Purple Autoflower
08.17.2024 was planted
Updated 4 months ago
room type
LED / 300W
LED / 300W
SP 3000
1 Week (08.17.2024) Germination

Photos and Videos

After taproots showed up I planted in final pot (5Gal) and have been keeping the surface moist.

Impressions about plant

For this, my first, grow I've gone with a full AC Infinity grow tent system. I'm utilizing the Controller 69 Pro+ which has 8 inputs. I'm using 2 x AC Infinity oscillating fans, the CloudLab 3x3x72" tent, Cloudline Lite 6 Inline 6" Fan with 6" Carbon Filter, Ionboard S33 LED Grow Light (240W), Cloudforge T3 Humidifier, and Thermoforge T3 Heater as I'm in a basement and cool dry air is what I'll be fighting permanently.

I ordered 5 x Grandaddy Purple Autoflower seeds from ILGM and promptly lost one of the seeds down the drain. Luckily all four remaining seeds sprouted tap roots within 36 hours. For soil, I mixed Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Fox Farms Happy Frog soils in a 50/50 mix. I filled my 5 gallon bags with this mix and put in Mykos root bacteria in the bottom half of the pot. This should be enough nutrients to get me to flower.

I planted the 4 seeds in 4 x fabric pots with trays below for run-off. I was very gentle with the seeds and only am keeping the environment moist using a mister until the plants emerge. Once that happens my plan is to give 1-2 liters per plant every 3 days throughout the grow.

I have lights 30-36" away from plants at 50% power. I'm keeping the temperature around 75F with a RH of around 60% and a VPD of around 1.15. This seems achievable and stable at these numbers.

Hopefully I'll see some signs of life within the next few days, I'm sure this is the most nail biting time as I wait for the seeds to break through the soil and spread its leaves.

Grow Conditions

0 inch
75 °F
Day air temperature
72 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
18 hrs
Light schedule
60 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
30 inch
Lamp to plant distance


Ocean Forest Potting Soil

Ocean Forest Potting Soil

Fox Farm
0 ml/l
Happy Frog Potting Soil

Happy Frog Potting Soil

Fox Farm
0 ml/l