Impressions about plant
Still leaf trouble w/autoflower. Panama shook off the leaf yellow/discolor w/extra watering; same as autoflower. Yet auto moved into spotted leaf. Other three plants of batch all green so far. Treated as if too dry. After flush added Dr.Earth fertilizer. Thinking auto too nuked now. Added extra soil, mix bag up loosening soil if root knotted up maybe or root issue not absorbing nutrient. Also growers video mention phosphorus lack since stems are purple. Will try that angle after couple watering of more water while filtering nuke angle out before adding supplement. Took leaf off and eyeballed w/jeweler magnify couldnt see movement. Treated plant area w/Cpt Jack on floor around bags for a fresh bug proofing. Panama snapped out of the yellow/discolor leaf while flowering but now over 4'. The two Mimosas and one Tropical Cookie all green growth.