Impressions about plant
Plant 1 is flowering nice. Starting to get a nice smell to it, and growing more flowers at the bottom. Nice dark green leaves. Corrected my water with clean distilled water and not tap water. Seems to be fixing the issue. Plant 2 a slightly behind in the flowering, but growing nonetheless. I havent had a grow tent until now, which I transferred to today. Doing the 12 on 12 off schedule, and cintunuing to water as needed. Usually can tell its ready for a nice watering when you pick it up. One issue I am having is I noticed this super tiny bug on one of the plants. I continued treatment with bug blaster. I also accidentally bent the main stem from plant 1. I was horrified 😐. I put a dap of honey on the cut, then taped it for reenforcement. Current is tied to stick.