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Second Batch

Amnesia Haze Feminized
08.28.2022 was planted
Updated 2 years ago
room type
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
21 Week (01.15.2023) Flowering

Photos and Videos

Amnesia Haze Cut down 2 days ago. 6 days past 10th wk flowering.
Mimosa Evo Bud
Moby Dick #2 Bud
Moby Dick #1 Bud
Not too good magnified pic AH bud before cut.

Impressions about plant

Let Amnesia Haze go past the 10th wk to see if trichrome whiten up a bit more. They did. Eyeballed couple times a day during the last 6 days, seeing a frost like covering thicken up during the few days. Looked good enough to cut. Haha. Batch #2 had more soil issues than #1 w/yellowing leaves curling up w/brown spots or yellowed leaf dying out from bottom up. From growers videos seemed like brown/curl leaf potassium lack where yellowed dead leaf nitrogen lack so fed three plants affected with supplement raw potassium/nitrogen. First trimmed plants of bad leaf leaving plants skimpy of fan leaf. Added extra nutrient 3-4 diff watering times didn't seem to make a lot of diff. Flushed again. Plant leaf never seemed to fully recovered yet still flowered potent bud. Thought at first that watering first 3 plants with too high PH8.8 tap before learning to tone down PH to average 6.5 range, also since AH planted two weeks afterwards getting less of PH overload. This theory didn't work with Batch #3 as plants had 'perfect' PH balance vegetating away. Week six two plants yellowed, curled up and browned all the same. Watched more growers videos and one stated the leaf signs are lack of water/nutrient constant flow that leaves will curl from too much light and not enough water/nutrient to keep up with light photo change. Always kept plants on dry side watering more 4th day than 3rd day. Gave the plants a couple drinks a day under the light spraying the soil wet enough to see than a soak. Sides of bag did have cracks/crust from dryness. Changed the watering habit with batch #3 after flush and leaf seems to be not traveling upward. Idea is lack of water caused nutrient lack more than the too high PH since corrected PH halfway into batch #2. Although both show signs of same issue not keeping up with light needs. Also batch #2 overall environment w/temp average 75 w/humidity 55% better than batch #1 of mostly too hot. Potency of plants seemed better than batch #1. All seeds chosen were high sativa w/THC 24-30% range. Have left AH mostly alone but been living off both Moby Dicks and Evo last couple weeks. Even straight off the plant. Mimosa Evo supposedly has up range 30% THC had whiter sugar leaf/pistil frosting could be seen w/o jeweler magnify. Excellent high, hits immediate, like a blossoming from the middle of the head. Very sweet smell & taste, maybe tangerine like; tight bud. Only got around 1/2 oz from plant since badly affected trimmed away. Both Moby Dicks also affected though #1 worse. Also #2 shorter from bend in stem at first growing stage. Bout 4" diff. MD #2 bud tighter than #1 being less distance from light in current thought of looser bud being too close to light as in batch #1 and MD #1 bushier bud than MD#2. Moby Dick also more sativa 24%THC range. Lemon like taste and a heavy curtain like high, settles smoothly in quickly and rings the ears. Evo and MDs jarred up bout ten days. AH 3rd day hang.

Grow Conditions

0 inch
72 °F
Day air temperature
65 °F
Night air temperature
50 %
Air humidity
3 gal
Pot size


Happy Frog Potting Soil

Happy Frog Potting Soil

Fox Farm
0 ml/l

Grow Techniques
