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BBA-0, BBA-1, BBA-2

Blueberry Autoflower
08.13.2022 was planted
Updated 2 years ago
room type
GT 36x36x72
GT 36x36x72
grow tent
LED / 240W
LED / 240W
Mars Pro II Epistar 120
LED / 240W
LED / 240W
Mars Pro II Epistar 120
11 Week (10.22.2022) Flowering
1 comment

Photos and Videos

October 22, 2022 She got a hair cut
October 23, 2022 BBA-1 has so many tops and too many leaves.
October 24, 2022 BBA-1 looks great after her haircut.
October 25, 2022 BBA-0 harvested 1.6 lbs wet weight without most of the fan leaves. .
October 27, 2022 BBA-1 and BBA-2

Impressions about plant

October 22, 2022 Day 60, 55, 53
This is the last week for BBA-0. Her pistils are about 60% brown. Trichomes are a good mix. A little too much clear, but I have a few days. I snipped off all the fan leaves with visible stems. Not too much, but enough to give more access to the lower buds and much better airflow.
BBA-1 looks fantastic! Her colas are getting bigger and taller. I'm going to have to trim a few leaves at a time over then next week. She has way too much foliage but I don't want to stress her. Even after popping a lot of overshadowing leaves, these still barely room in the canopy.
BBA-2 has more orange pistils. I'm going to check her trichomes today. I think she might be ready in about a week. I snipped off a few leaves that were directly on top of buds and completely blocking them. Not much, but enough for a bit more light penetration.

Grow System Environment:
Temp: 76.1°
RH: 53.6%
VPD: 1.39

October 23, 2022
BBA-0 is going in a 48 hour dark period starting tonight or tomorrow. It all depends on her trichomes tonight. She's basically done and just needs a bit more of a push. This is going to be some fantastic bud.
BBA-1 has many stacks and tops. Her foliage is still out of control, but I'm going to chip away at it slowly.
BBA-2 is right behind BBA-0 for harvest time. Maybe a week for her? A little less?

Grow System Environment:
Temp: 75.5°
RH: 50.6%
VPD: 1.44

October 24, 2022
BBA-0 was placed in the dark for the next 48 hours.
BBA-1 is starting to pack on the bud building. She's looking much better with the defoliation I did yesterday. I might do a small final one in a day or 2. Just to get the lower canopy more airflow.
BBA-2 is rapidly coming to harvest time. Her pistils are changing to orange really fast. Her trichomes are surprisingly almost all cloudy. But no amber yet. I also stopped feeding her nutrients a couple days ago.

Grow System Environment:
Temp: 71.6°
RH: 48.0%
VPD: 1.33

BBA-0 Dark Room:
Temp: 67°
RH: 53%
VPD: 1.06

October 25, 2022
BBA-0 has been harvested. Her total wet weight after trimming most of the fan leaves is 1.6 lbs. Or 25.6 oz. I'm hoping for a dry weight of around 8 oz.
BBA-1 looks great! The entire canopy is covered in buds and colas. I'd say she has another week or 2. Maybe 3. She seems to be a slow grower, but maybe that's a good thing.
BBA-2 has been speedily moving to harvest. Her pistils aren't there yet, so she may have another week or so.

Grow System Environment:
Temp: 75.9°
RH: 51.4%
VPD: 1.44

October 26, 2022
BBA-0 Day 1 of drying complete.
BBA-1 lookin good. A good amount of time left on her.
BBA-2 looks done, but doesn't? She seems to have all milky trichomes, but not a single amber. Weird?

Grow System Environment:
Temp: 76.9°
RH: 51%
VPD: 1.51

October 27, 2022
I installed an exhaust port to the outside. There was an immediate improvement in my room, the grow tent and the dry tent. Still kind of smells though.
BBA-0 Day 2 of drying
BBA-1 doing her thing. Not much else to report.
BBA-2 has more time than I think. I'll keep an eye.

Grow System Environment:
Temp: 76°
RH: 47.0%
VPD: 1.57

Dry Tent:
Temp: 67°
RH: 50% ( I'd rather have it up to 55%)

October 28, 2022
BBA-0 Day 3 of drying.
BBA-1 is starting to put on a bit of weight.
BBA-2 is just chilling.

Grow System Environment:
Temp: 75°
RH: 47.9%
VPD: 1.50

Grow Conditions

15 inch
75 °F
Day air temperature
68 °F
Night air temperature
3 °l
Watering volume
20 hrs
Light schedule
50 %
Air humidity
5 gal
Pot size
17 inch
Lamp to plant distance


Tiger Bloom

Tiger Bloom

Fox Farm
7.5 ml/gal

Grow Techniques
