Impressions about plant
It has been 140 days since the Amnesia Haze sprouted. She veg’d for 32 days. I consider this Day 94 of Flower…meaning since the flip to 12/12. 900+ PPFD, the humidity has been in the mid-40s and the temps have been in the high 70s during the day and 60 +/- a couple of degrees at night. I am just feeding with a little Frosty Nugs as a flushing agent and a little energy at 6.6 ph
The buds dried nicely, and I ended up with 205 grams / 7.25 oz. of good, dried buds. Not too much smell. I bagged them up in grove curing bags for an 8-week cure. (I did put some in a small bag for a 4-week test smoke.) I did smoke some of the dried buds. They were a little fruity and smooth…should be great after the cure. I found myself doing chores around the house…so the sativa side came through.
The remaining buds on the plant are starting to develop more. I am going to get some more really good buds from this, but there will be a little larf…depending on how long I go from here.