Impressions about plant
27Jun- !st day of flower. Bumped light to 100%. Temps are 82-68F and rh is 64-44 %. No light or heat stress. No deficiencies and no critters (fingers crossed). Plants are as healthy as I could get them for flower. No defol or LST for this week; just let the ladies do their thing.
29Jun- Lowered light to 16in. I don't have a PAR meter but that's supposed to be the sweet spot for this light, FC-E3000, during flower.
30Jun- 2L water/plant @6.8pH. Four days into flower and so far, so good.
1Jul- 2l water/plant @6.8pH. Time to increase amount at watering. I really don't like to water everyday unless I have too.
2Jul-Good first week of flower. Pretty green leaves and girls seem dialed in for flower.