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White Widow Autoflower
03.04.2022 was planted
Updated 1 year ago
room type
LED / 600W
LED / 600W
15 Week (06.10.2022) Flowering

Photos and Videos

#10 -- she is just gorgeous, and hefty. Getting her hair dried.
Well, I'll be darned.
G6 in the sweat box
Just look at this hairy gal, what the heck? Answer: "Stress, too much light and too much heat. See notes.
Girls in the hair dryer

Impressions about plant

6-12: I didn't want to label this week harvest week because I want to wait until the last of the 12 are cut and total all the numbers just to blow my mind.
Today, G2 #10 -- One of the most beautiful of this grow said, "I'm done." So, she's using the hair dryer. She's hefty on the hoof and with all her wet hair 13.8 oz. We also got #6 into the sweat box. G2 #6 final weigh-in 2.8 oz and .25 oz of larf. This is two times the harvest I got from my first-grow girls (per plant) And, look “seeds happen”. Dang.
6-13 Watered all today -- six to go. pH 6.3 going in -- all runoff 6.2-6.4. I'm confused over some of these plants. They still have white pistils but the trichomes are saying hello. What to do.
5-15 Well, on G2 #11 the deal is foxtailing -- and stress to the plant. I cut her today at the suggestion of mentors. She weighed 12.8 oz "on the hoof". Foxtailing: Too much light and heat. "When exposed to an excessive amount of heat, the buds of your cannabis plants will also foxtail. However, this type of foxtailing is distinct since it continuously causes your buds to produce pistils." "While the increased number of pistils isn’t a cause for concern, it should be a warning sign that your plants are getting too much heat, leading to less potent buds." A GREAT LESSON LEARNED
Fast and furious today. Just cut G2 #4 as well. She's in the dryer. Did notice any mealy bugs on here but did on #11. Had to cut that branch away. Just pulled, 3 p.m., #5 and #7 both about 10 oz on the hoof. Pulled Zebra (forgot number) she was 11 oz. #8 was 11 oz. too.

Grow Conditions

0 inch
0 °F
Day air temperature
0 °F
Night air temperature
No smell