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White widow #1

White Widow Autoflower
01.19.2022 was planted
Updated 1 year ago
room type
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
GT 60x60x140cm(2x2x4.5)
grow tent
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
LED / 100W
LED / 100W
TS 600
3 Week (02.02.2022) Vegetation

Photos and Videos

February 2, 2022 Day one of official veg stage!
February 4, 2022 She's looking great! LST Tie downs are prepped and ready.
February 5,2022 Started LST today. Not really sure if I am too early, but hey, it's like the 4th day in the week.
February 7, 2022 LST was too early and light was a bit too close. No burn, but she's not growing up. Removed her bindings and lifted the light up 5 inches.
February 8, 2022 She didn't shoot up, but straighten out nicely.

Impressions about plant

February 2, 2022
So far the grow cycles are spot on with the estimated time! Looking great! Will update.
February 4, 2022
She was a little droopy last night, but I think that was just a little too much water. All better today. Anyone see any issues I don't see?
Update: set LST anchor last night. Just waiting for her to get a little bit taller.
February 5, 2022
Started LST today. She's not tall, but she is strong. Maybe I should have waited, but time crunch. Anyway, I started between the second and third node.
February 6, 2022
It's been a full day for my first LST. So far she looks good. Still not much upward growth though. 🤷 But it might be due to the LST. Is that the reaction? A day or so for recovery?
February 7, 2022
Not sure if my LST is actually working correctly. She's growing outward and lots of leaves but still no upward growing. Light too close? I dunno. We shall see.
Update: I removed the LST bindings. She's not tall enough. Could be stunted but she already looks better. Brought the light up to 24 inches so she can stretch a bit.
February 8, 2022
Last day of week 3. She seems to be recovering very nicely. I hope to see some stretching soon. I'm also watering her periodically throughout the day and give her a bit more when I go to bed. I'm home all day so I figure it will be better for her.

Grow Conditions

7 cm
71 °F
Day air temperature
71 °F
Night air temperature
No smell
0.5 °l
Watering volume
24 hrs
Light schedule
50 %
Air humidity
0.5 gal
Pot size
20 inch
Lamp to plant distance

Grow Techniques